About Us

PraiseHimMusic.com is owned and operated by Soundblitz Records a UK Independent record label registered with PPLUK The UK Sound Recording Database.

MP3 audio recordings are owned by Mrbenidorm.com or Soundblitz Records and are sold as downloads at discounted prices.

We do allow Entertainment Professionals to provide us with mp3 recordings and videos that we convert into downloadable products and market on this site. We pay royalty payments to them.

Our aim is to provide the Christian music loving public the opportunity to purchase mp3 downloads at affordable prices, while at the same time paying royalties over and above rates that are payable by the premier digital download sites.

Full Albums can be downloaded for just £3.99, and sometimes discount codes can also be added that give further reductions.

What ever price we retail an album at we pay the artist £1.00 on each download .

Our singles that retail at just 50 pence are approximately 31% less than the major players. The Royalty we pay on singles is 10pence for each download.

We thank you for checking us out and hope that you will support our artists.




Daily Bible Verse

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PraiseHimMusic.com © 2025